How To Lay Timber Flooring

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Everyone wants to make their floor look attractive. As the floor will lay the themes of the whole decoration of the house or office. So, people are choosy when select flooring. But sometimes people are so passionate about their floors, that they want to install the flooring themselves. Yes, if you have previous experience of laying the flooring then you can do it yourself. But be caution it is a tedious job and needs real precision. So, if you think you are up to that task, then go for it otherwise you can call in experts for it. It is always recommended that timber flooring Auckland laying should be done by experts instead of yourself. 

There are a few steps which are involved in timber floor laying.

  • First of all, you must clean the surface. The ground on which you are going to lay the floor that should be clean. Also, you must be very clear that which type of floorboard you going to use. Always select the type with whom, you are familiar. After cleaning the floor, spread the underlay on the ground. Underlay should be cut according to the size of the floor. Keep 10 mm gap from the walls.
  • Run a string line from one point to another after measuring from one end to another. Keep in mind the length of your laminate board. Then tie the strings with the nail on both ends and tie the knot tightly. This string line will help to keep the alignment of your floorboards.
  • Always set the gap from walls and room. As the nice floor polishing of different will be joining under the door. So, the gaps will help you to adjoin the floors of two rooms. Now lay the first row of the board and interlock the boards tightly. Ensure the alignment of the board along walls and each other. During this time, you must cut your boards to adjust the length
  • After laying the first row and ensuring the alignment starts with the second row and further. During the installation of rows, be careful to cover the gaps and keep the bard tighten to each other.
  • Mark the board for corners and then cut them accordingly. Cutting for corner needs precision and one should try to fit it perfectly to avoid any gap. After completing a single area, check for gaps and if you find some gaps. You need to cut boards as per the remaining area to cover the gaps.
  • As the board will be interlocked but you need to press all the boards for the final touch. So, all the boards settle down with an exception because any loosen board can damage others or hurt people moving on the floor.
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